Groups in Colibo can be used for different purposes. Every user can create a group, if they want to and manage the group by choosing what type of group, content and who to invite.
If you are an editor assigned with the role 'Admin of group membership' from the backend, you have additional options regarding groups in the frontend. You have the opportunity to work more strategic with groups in Colibo by creating groups and pushing users to automatically be a part of a specific group (either with or without the opportunity to leave the group).
There are a lot of situations where this can become relevant and beneficial for the organisation. The following are a few examples.
Set specific default groups from the beginning
If you already have several groups, that may be relevant for all or some users in your organisation, you can push the users into these groups early in the process so new users is part of these groups by default when logging in to the intranet.
This can be a 'Welcome to the new intranet, feedback is welcome'-group, or 'Inspiration and knowledge sharing about tools and integrations for better intranet-use'. Or maybe you have an idea that suits your organisation perfectly.
Have users automatically subscribed to an important topic/discussion forum
Maybe you have dedicated a group to a specific topic of content or discussion that is relevant to either a group of employees or the entire organisation. In stead of waiting for every user to join the group or accept your invitation, you can choose to push these users into the specific group.
The difference between just sending this content out as a news article and actually creating a group around the topic is, that the group creates more of a forum for this specific topic. For some organisations this may help users to engage more in the content than for example commenting and discussing in the commentary of the news article. At the same time, you invite users to participate with their own posts and input about the topic instead of having them create an entire news article, which most users probably won't do.
This could, for example, be a forum discussing the implementation of a new strategy across the organisation, or a forum discussing and sharing the best use of the new intranet. Instead of having an editor create news articles about it, invite everyone to participate in the discussion in a group.
Starting a new interdisciplinary project
It is possible for force entire departments and groups into a workgroup. This way, all users in the chosen areas are notified of any activity in the designated group. Please keep in mind that when a group is forced into an area, all members of the group are added and cannot be removed at this time.
Individual users can be invited to a group, but they cannot be forced into it in normal ways. If you want to force specific users into a work space, contact Colibo support for assistance.
Being a part of more than one department
Some organisations have a more complex organisation hierarchy, which makes it beneficial for them to have some people being a part of more than one department. This is not currently possible in Colibo, but some of our customers have made this happen by creating groups for every department and have these groups overrule the organisation hierarchy in their communication about the intranet.
This way, you can push users into their department, and for the ones that need to be a part of more groups, you simply just add them to all the departments that are relevant to them.
Consider the role in relation to your governance setup
There are a lot of different ways for admin of group memberships to work strategically with groups in the organisation. That said, consider who should be assigned with this role from the beginning and reconsider and revise the setup continuously. This is a part of your governance setup.
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